Tomorrow night Jakob and I are going to Denmark on vacation. My mind and body already left and I am sitting here like a robot at work calling the last customers to make sure, that everything works fine and that they're pleased.
The plan is to spend Thursday in Copenhagen with my cousin Lise and to catch up with her after almost 8 months without seeing her! Wow.
Thursday night I will go to Jakob's parents house and we'll celebrate his 28 year old birthday Friday :)
Saturday morning I am going to Jutland to see my family. I have not seen them since April and I am longing.
I will stay there for 5 days ish and then return to Copenhagen to pick up Alicia and our dog Mattie at the airport after a long travel for them from New York. Then it will be Lise, Alicia, me and Mattie again for some days in our apartment... just like in the old days, and the thought is warming my heart.
Sep. 22, Jakob, me and Mattie will go on a 9 hour trainride back to Ljusdal.
We have been very bust lately painting the apartment and getting a nicer home than before, so we are pretty exhausted and SO ready for this vacation.
I know that not many people besides my cousin Lise shares the passion and love for the danish royal family that I have. So this is VERY good news :) Mary and Frederik is expecting twins!
Today I have lived in Ljusdal/Sweden for 3 month and this week I was "supposed" to move back to Copenhagen after the original plan.
now I don't really have a plan that I trust besides loving what's around me.
Another week has started and I can look back at the weekend on the beach with a smile. We have actually been on the beach the last few weekends with good friends, dogs, swedish beer and food :) Sometimes after work at 1730 ish we'll hurry home, grab the back with beach things and run to the beach to enjoy the last hours with sun. And it's wonderful down there. When you look over the water, you see mountains and woods to the left and to the right you see the incredible long train passing the water and small mountains above. It's not easy to describe, but I'll try and take pictures of it, even though a picture can not justifice the feeling of being there. I love it and I'll miss those moments when we one day return to Copenhagen.
A little memory on the bench from the beach and the kittens.
Click on the pictures to see them in full size.
and then I have realized that Adona is just as crosseyed as I am :)
In September I'm going to DK on vacation for 2 weeks. One week with my family in Jutland and then one week in Copenhagen. I'll meet Alicia and Lise that I lived with, and MATTIE our dog who will be coming with Alicia from the US. And then I'll take Mattie back to Sweden. I'm sure she'll love it here! But what a hazzle it is to bring a dog from USA to Denmark and then Sweden. Urgh...! But it's gonna be worth it. It only cost me 4-5 dollars to bring her to Ljusdal from Copenhagen with one stop in Stockholm. So Mattie will be going on her longest traintrip ever. 10 hours ish :) I pray that she'll sleep the whole way.
Today I made a little note with hearts for a swedish colleague and 2 backs of marsmallows that she loves putting in her hot chocolate! She was so happy when she met in and later she came by my little "office" and gave me a beautiful handmade candlelight! I'm so happy about this candlelight that I don't even dare to light it... then it would disapear one day and I don't want this to happen. A lot of people from work is on vacation and there is not much to do. Taking time to encourage and do small things for people you love or barely know is a great opportunity. Take it when it's possible! So many people will even feel blessed by a smile, a hug, a note or something small that doesn't take much more effort, but will make someone feel loved and cared for. And when you don't expect it you'll be blessed back a 100 times from someone you love or a random person on the street.
And now... a little taste of something I love. This is one out of 6 different kinds of orchids but they others are "sleeping" at the moment but are even more gorgeus and have up to 20-25 flowers on one :) But I do not have pictures here from when they were "awake".
That was it for this time. Thank you for visiting :)
Love from Helena
Change of age...
... but I don't feel that any different as I thought I would feel. Life has already putted a little mark on me, and I wonder if I'm gonna be so market and full of wisdom in another 24 years from now, that I'll blow and all my life experience and wisdom at the time will be spread all over the world...
and maybe be wasted...?
or will someone catch it and learn?
Today my number changed from 23 to 24 and life is getting harder but BETTER :)
Thank you to all those who have had an impact on my life so far.
And for those who will make one in the future.... See you soon ;)
Meet Adona and Jack :)
Too long.
It has been too long since the last time I wrote here. Time is flying by! Too fast. But I'm enjoying myself here. I still have some problems with the small concussion I got a few weeks ago and sitting in front of the computer at work an be a struggle at times. But I'm not devastated and it's already so much better. I'm getting new glasses in a few days so that should help a lot at work :)
While Jakob was in France to be trained to be a hardware specialist I got 2 kittens and surprised him with them when he got back. He loves them and I have to admit that they're adorable. Adona and Jack is their names and each their personality is so unic. She's a little lady and he's a goofy :) I don't have any pics of them here, but I'll post some later today or tomorrow.
Summer haven't really arrived to Ljusdal (Light valley) yet but I'm praying that it will ;) The downside of good weather is that I have to enjoy most of the time from the inside of the Teleperformance building ;)
Stay tuned, pictures and updates will come more often now. Just need to get used to this blogging thing :)
- Helena
I wonder if my kittens will be this big??
My view from the balcony after the rain had been on a visit one evening. It was magical and the feeling couldn't get captured by a camera. Imagine.. :)
Cleaning freak??
Nuts or healthy?
Weekend in 7 hours and 15 min AND counting :)

A day off :)
Tomorrow we have the day off. I forgot how I love spring and it's days off :) Hopefully the sun is out tomorrow like it is today. It's wonderful and I can't wait for summer, barbeques, the "beach" (it looks like one at least), swimming etc. I also decided to get lost in the woods sometime and sleep in a tent ... until I realized that there are bears here.
Wake up, Helena! You're in Sweden now :)
Tonight Taru, my finnish love, and Jakob, my swedish love, will eat dinner together and have a wonderful time with chatting and laughter. I'm exited :)
That was just a little normal everyday update. I like the normal everydays in between the adventures.
Take care :)
Love, Helena

15 days in Sweden and many more days ahead.
I created this blog mainly to update my friends and family about my life in Sweden and for uploading pictures. But knowing myself pretty well I'm also gonna write down my thoughts and reflections and anything that comes to my mind. Feel free to comment :)
Monday morning April 26 at 10 am I arrived to Ljusdal with my life in a suitcase (or 2 + 4 bags... thank you Éby and Julie for helping me into the Mainstation in Copenhagen) after a 13 hour trainride. Jakob came and picked me up and I threw off my suitcases at his place and went directly to work. The first day I was shown around the Teleperformance buildings, the city, outside the city etc. Ljusdal is a small town surrounded by woods that you can see in the horisont (pictures will come) It's very beautilful here. A lot of nature!! And the weather changes more here than in Denmark. 5-10 cm snow one day and freezing cold, 15-20 celcius the next day with sun :) I will never complain about the danish weather again!
The last 2 weeks I have been in training for my new job as an agent here at Teleperformance/HP. I've had a few tests and I passed them all except from the 1st one. I misunderstood the test and couldn't redo it. Anyhow, I'm still here and so far it's very good. I'm still not in personal contact with customers in Denmark but this week I will be. I work from 8:15 - 17:15 ish. I have also taken at test for Adope (photoshop) and I did pretty well even though I've never had any courses in it. Their department are in the other building. (there are 2 buildings) That made me wanna learn more about the programs. I have Adope Photoshop Element 7 myself but now I want the newest one ;)
This weekend I went to a small cabin 1½ hour from here with some friends. It was like in a movie... Trees, no sounds but the birds, a lake, a fireplace, peeing behind a bush etc. Very primitive but good for a citygirl like me.
You got the short version but more will come + pictures. Have a wonderful day :)
Love, Helena